林政道 (Cheng-Tao Lin) aka mutolisp
ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-2857-1625






植物生態學、植群生態學、植群分析技術、物種分布模式 (species distribution models) 、氣候變遷對植群及植物分布影響、地理資訊系統(GIS) 、生態資訊學(ecoinformatics)


研究室位置:嘉義大學蘭潭校區生物資源館 4F A24-403-1 室

E-mail: mutolisp@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
研究室網頁: http://mutolisp.tw
社群平台: facebook


本研究室以植群生態學及空間資訊為研究主軸,尤其是大尺度的植群分類、植群分布、物種分布、理論生態學相關的島嶼生物地理為主要研究方向。研究對象主要以高海拔的針葉林及東亞的森林植群,並探討東亞特殊的季風系統是否對於植群組成有影響。我們研究室的訓練除了基礎的生態學及野外調查外,亦大量透過 GIS, 統計分析軟體(R 語言) 及Python 程式語言來輔助研究。





(* 通訊作者)

  1. Cheng-Tao Lin, Ching-An Chiu (2020) A Comparison of predictor selection procedures in species distribution modeling: a case study of Fagus hayatae. CERNE, 26(2):172–182 (SCI)
  2. Pin-Yuan Chen, Cheng-Tao Lin, Rita S. W. Yam & Hsiao-Wei Yuan (2020) Influences of physical vegetation management on odonata abundance in urbanized ecosystem: a case study in northern Taiwan. Wetlands DOI: 10.1007/s13157-020-01314-4 (SCI)
  3. 許富雄、林政道、郭淳棻 (2019) 玉山國家公園1982至2018年之脊椎動物研究回顧與物種清查。國家公園學報 29(2):1–27
  4. Cheng-Tao Lin, Ching-An Chiu (2019) The Relic Trochodendron aralioides Siebold & Zucc. (Trochodendraceae) in Taiwan: ensemble distribution modeling and climate change impacts. Forests 10(1): 7. DOI: 10.3390/f10010007 (SCI; Open Access)
  5. Cheng-Tao Lin, Kuo-Fang Chung (2017) Phylogenetic classification of seed plants of Taiwan. Botanical Studies 58:52. DOI: 10.1186/s40529-017-0206-6 (SCI; Open Access)
  6. Wei-Chih Lin, Yu-Pin Lin, Wan-Yu Lien, Yung-Chieh Wang, Cheng-Tao Lin, Chyi-Rong Chiou, Johnathen Anthony, Neville D. Crossman (2014) Expansion of protected areas under climate change: An example of mountainous tree species in Taiwan. Forests 5(11): 2882–2904. DOI: 10.3390/f5112882 (SCI; Open Access)
  7. Cheng-Tao Lin, Tzu-Ying Chen, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Chyi-Rong Chiou (2014) Abiotic factors and Yushania influences on Abies forest composition in Taiwan. Taiwania 59(3):247–261. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2014.59.247 (SCI; Open Access)
  8. Katsuhiro Nakao, Motoki Higa, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Cheng-Tao Lin, Shih-To Sun, Jian-Rong Lin, Chyi-Rong Chiou, Tzu-Ying Chen, Tetsuya Matsui, Nobuyuki Tanaka (2014) Changes in the potential habitats of 10 dominant evergreen broad-leaved tree species in the Taiwan-Japan archipelago. Plant Ecology 215:639–650. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-014-0329-8 (SCI)
  9. Cindy Q. Tang, Chyi-Rong Chiou, Cheng-Tao Lin, Jian-Rong Lin, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Jian-Wei Tang, Wen-Hua Su, Xiuli Hou (2013) Plant diversity patterns in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests of Yunnan and Taiwan. Ecological Research 28(1):81–92. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-012-1002-0 (SCI)
  10. Cheng-Tao Lin, Ching-Feng Li, David Zelený, Milan Chytrý, Yukito Nakamura, Ming-Yih Chen, Tze-Ying Chen, Yue-Joe Hsia, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Ho-Yih Liu, Jenn-Che Wang, Sheng-Zehn Yang, Ching-Long Yeh, Chyi-Rong Chiou (2012) Classification of the high-mountain coniferous forests in Taiwan. Folia Geobotanica 9(47):373–401. DOI: 10.1007/s12224-012-9128-y (SCI)


  1. Cheng-Tao Lin* and Chu-Chia Kuo (2018) Exploring the potential application of iNaturalist in Taiwan—a case study of plant phenology. The 3rd International Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia
  2. 林政道 (2017) 開源物種名錄產生器 checklister。臺灣植物分類學會年會暨植物多樣性與系統分類研討會。
  3. Cheng-Tao Lin; Shih-To Sun, Katsuhiro Nakao, Motoki Higa, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Tzu-Ying Chen, Tetsuya Matsui, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Chyi-Rong Chiou (2012) Predicting potential habitats of Fagus hayatae in East Asia at last glacial maximum, present and 2080s. In Proceedings of the 55th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science.
  4. Cheng-Tao Lin, Ching-Feng Li, David Zelený, Milan Chytrý, Yukito Nakamura, Ming-Yih Chen, Tze-Ying Chen, Yue-Joe Hsia, Chang-Fu Hsieh, Ho-Yih Liu, Jenn-Che Wang, Sheng-Zehn Yang, Ching-Long Yeh, Chyi-Rong Chiou (2010) Classification of the high-mountain coniferous forests vegetation of Taiwan. In Proceedings of the 53rd Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science.
  5. Cheng-Tao Lin, Chyi-Rong Chiou, Guo-Zhang M. Song (2008) The effects of species dominance on species distribution modelling. In: Mucina, L. et al. (eds). Frontiers of Vegetation Science—An Evolutionary Angle, p. 103. Keith Phillips Images, Somerset West.


  1. Cheng-Tao Lin (2018) Checklister—a cross-platform species checklist generator. URL: https://github.com/TaiBON/checklister DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1493694
  2. Cheng-Tao Lin (2018) seqParser: R package for DNA sequence parsing. URL: https://github.com/mutolisp/seqParser DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1493692
  3. Cheng-Tao Lin (2018) QGIS template for diplaying species distribution by horizontal and vertical view in Taiwan. URL: https://github.com/mutolisp/distrmap_tw.qgis. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1493690


  1. 澎湖南方四島國家公園陸域資源調查評析 (2018/12–2019/12) 海洋國家公園管理處 (主持人)
  2. 玉山國家公園長期生態監測與指標生物研究之先期規劃案 (2018/05–2019/12) 玉山國家公園管理處 (協同主持人)
  3. 國家生物多樣性監測與報告系統規劃-陸域 (2015–2018) 行政院農業委員會林務局 (共同主持人)
  4. 澎湖南方四島植物相演替分析研究 (2015) 海洋國家公園委託研究案 (主持人)